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Woodland Princesses

11/01/2023 8:27 AM | Innes Mercean (Administrator)

Submitted by Karen Bazik

Our Garden Juniors met on October 11 for our fall workshop. We read "The Leaf Thief" by Alice Hemming . It's a story about a squirrel who thinks his woodland friends have stolen the leaves from his tree. When the story was finished, the girls searched for puzzle pieces hidden in the garden. They completed the insect puzzle and dumped leaves on top. We talked about how insects rest under the leaves in winter. One junior flew a Monarch butterfly puppet to "Mexico" while the other girls put the other stuffed insects under the leaves. Then, we used leaves to create leaf crowns. . We ended the session by reading "Treemendous" by Bridget Heos. Treemendous is a story about an acorn that grows into an oak tree. Thanks to Melanie, Kent and Sue for helping out.

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